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A Life Restored: Linda Sampson’s Shoulder Transformation

For years, Linda Sampson struggled with severe pain in her right shoulder, which became unbearable and rendered her arm nearly useless. She often expressed that she “couldn’t use it for anything” and that her pain impacted her quality of life significantly. Her experience with Sports Medicine North and Dr. Robert Spang changed everything.

Linda’s journey to seek treatment for her shoulder began when she slipped on ice in 2021, exacerbating a previous shoulder injury. She wanted to be in less pain but also to be able to keep up with grandkids and live an active lifestyle—so she didn’t feel that surgery was a good option for her. Dr. Spang was understanding of her concerns, and started Linda with cortisone shots every three months. Dr. Spang was transparent with her, explaining that the injections were only a temporary solution and eventually she’d need a shoulder replacement if she wanted a long-lasting solution. When Linda was ready to consider surgery a few years later, Dr. Spang thoroughly explained the process and his recommendations.

In February 2024, Linda underwent a reverse total shoulder arthroplasty (rtSA) with Dr. Spang. The results were remarkable. Just a few months post-surgery, Linda is pain-free and has regained a near full range of motion in her right arm.

Linda’s recovery has been smooth, thanks to the excellent care she received at Sports Medicine North. Her daughter, Nicole Peura, OTR/L, Registered and Licensed Occupational Therapist at Physical Therapy North, was also instrumental in Linda’s recovery.  With Nicole’s guidance and advice, Linda was able to sleep comfortably in her own bed and manage her recovery with confidence.

Linda is so grateful for Dr. Spang and the entire team at Sports Medicine North. She describes Dr. Spang as “amazing” and “the best of the best,” praising his honesty and the quality of care he provided. Today, Linda is living pain-free and is thrilled with her restored mobility, attributing her successful recovery to the dedicated efforts of Dr. Spang and his team.